Pregnancy and Childbirth
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Welcome to Our Family of Care
We treat you like family. That’s why families are choosing Family Medical Center and St. Gabriel’s Hospital for prenatal care and delivery. We offer:
- Family Medical Center is passionate and dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for your growing family.
- Obstetrics and Gynecologist specialty.
- Family medicine doctors who provide obstetrical care.
- Special birthing suites that provide a safe, relaxing, and homelike atmosphere.
- On-site lactation consultants available.
To make an appointment, call 631-7000
Water Births
A waterbirth involves laboring and/or giving birth in a tub of warm water. This can be relaxing and can potentially reduce pain and anxiety during labor. The water can also help to soften the perineum, potentially reducing the risk of tearing. However, it’s crucial to understand that water births are not suitable for everyone and require careful consideration and medical supervision.
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)
A VBAC refers to a vaginal birth following a previous cesarean delivery. For many women, a VBAC represents a chance to experience a more natural childbirth after a previous surgical birth. However, VBACs carry inherent risks, and careful assessment by a healthcare provider is essential to determine if it’s a safe option. Factors such as the reason for the previous cesarean, the type of uterine scar, and the mother’s overall health are all considered. Successful VBAC rates vary, women considering a VBAC should discuss their options thoroughly with their provider to weigh the risks and benefits.
Babies born at St. Gabriel’s Health
OB Hospital Tour
Learning about the options and services available when you are going to have a baby is extremely valuable for first-time mothers and equally beneficial to those who may have already had a baby.